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v1.1.0 – Crosstown Turtle

Release date: 20/03/2023

Release notes version: 1.1.0

Release notes date: 18/03/2023


Release 1.1 brings added stability, resiliency and recovery. The main focus has been increasing the reliability of the platform by introducing fail safes, multiple retry mechanisms and data backups.


● Increased security by removing all publicly available endpoints

● Integrated with AVD to enable login without the need for bastion

● Introduced new Novacloud Workspace images

● Created daily user disk ‘snapshots’ to backup all data on a weekday

Changes and Bug Fixes

  • Fix for bastion weekend deployments
  • Fix for user roles within managed resource group
    • Desktop virtualization Role
    • Virtual Machine User Access Role
  • Daily job for creating snapshots
  • Daily Admin email for usage information
  • General UI bug fixes
  • Monthly billing job for upgraded accounts
  • DLQ mechanism
  • Refactored VM state workers into separate pods

User Impacts



The information provided in these release notes is subject to change without notice. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information, we do not warrant or guarantee its correctness. Your use of our Cloud Desktop SaaS and its features is at your own risk. Please refer to our official documentation and support channels for the most up-to-date and accurate information.



Please choose one of the registration options below:

Workspace runs on Microsoft Azure. As billing is done by Microsoft to make it easier for you to manage, you will need a Microsoft 365 email account and an Azure subscription..

Send us a few details and we will help you set this up.