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Workspace Performance Levels

The managed images we provide are the basis for any workspaces you use (apart from custom workspaces created by yourself) The tables below show how the SKU’s work along with a list of the current images and which sizes are available underneath. The important part is the power level table which we are now using to further simplify underlying pat the most efficient price point.

Base Image Sizes

Power Levels

LevelDescriptionTypical SKUBased on Azure VM SizeAzure price/hourCores/RamGPU
1General, day-to-day BAU activitiesDAAS1, DAAC1B2MS£0.0842vCPU/8GBNA
2More demanding day-to-day activitiesDAAS2, DAAC2B8ms0.3108vCPU/32GBNA
3GPU Intensive workloadsDAAH3, DAAG3Standard_NV4as_v4 0.74vCPU/14GBARM
Base Image sizes

Based on… (All will be available for release 1.4)

NameDescriptionTypical SKUBased on Azure VM SizeAzure price/hourCores/RamGPU
Daily1General, day-to-day BAU activitiesDAAS1, DAAC1B2MS£0.0842vCPU/8GBNA
Daily2More demanding day-to-day activitiesDAAS2, DAAC2B8ms0.3108vCPU/32GBNA
HP1Compute optimised workload requirementDAAH1F32s v22.5432vCPU/64GBNA
HP2Memory optimised workload requirementDAAH2E16-8ads v5  1.628vCPU/128GBNA
GPU1GPU Intensive workloadsDAAG1Standard_NC6s_v3 NA6vCPU/56GBNvidia
GPU2GPU Intensive workloadsDAAG2Standard_NV4as_v4   NA4vCPU/14GBARM
Base Image sizes

Managed Image SKU Examples

NameStart of SKUSizes AvailableFull SKUsDescriptionSoftware installedOS
StandardDAAS1, S2, H1, H2DAAS1, DAAS2, DAAH1, DAAH2Standard Managed Desktop with Windows 10, Microsoft and other productivity applications.   Offers a good balance of applications for normal, day-to-day workloads such as word processing, spreadsheets, emails, presentations, etc. This managed desktop contains all the standard Microsoft desktop applications in the Microsoft 365 family.MS 365 – All standard packages. Teams, Zoom, big 4 common browsers, Onedrive, Googledrive, dropbox. Adobereader.Windows 10
Developer * Coming Soon  DABS1, S2, H1, H2DABS1, DABS2, DABH1, DABH2Offers an environment setup as close as possible to a fully functioning developer desktop. Includes.. Visual Studio Community plus workloads, nodejs, powershell, postman, git etc.Developer ToolsWindows 10
CAD * Coming Soon  DACS1, S2, H1, H2, G1, G2DACS1, DACS2, DACH1, DACH2A build specific for users of CAD products specifically the Autodesk range of softwareReady for Autocad products (Installed – Must bring appropriate license)Windows 10
Current SKUs

Please choose one of the registration options below:

Workspace runs on Microsoft Azure. As billing is done by Microsoft to make it easier for you to manage, you will need a Microsoft 365 email account and an Azure subscription..

Send us a few details and we will help you set this up.